Now This: Frontline Detroit
WDET: Detroit’s east side is already polluted. Will Fiat Chrysler make it worse?
Syndicated – July 26, 2019 Michigan Radio
“In the meantime, activists are knocking on residents’ doors to take inventory of who has breathing problems. They plan to present this information to Fiat Chrysler. According to Gregg Newsom, who’s been involved with the survey effort, the group is still working out how exactly it will use this information but it may request that Fiat Chrysler regularly issue air filters to homes where people have respiratory issues.”
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Lastly, it wants a return to community control of public money and land. The coalition is frustrated with projects like the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles plant on the east side where the city of Detroit both accumulated land and helped it get hundreds of millions of dollars in public subsidies to create factories that will likely increase pollution locally.
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